Docquity: Health Tech
Docquity is SE Asia’s fastest growing Medical Education and Knowledge sharing platform, exclusively for Doctors.
Over 350,000 verified doctors connect to discuss real world medical cases and experiences and learn from each other in a secure private network.
On Docquity doctors can gain exclusive access to summarised International Medical Journals & Guidelines, watch Medical Videos & Live Medical webinars.
Role: Content & Campaign Strategist
Platforms: Web & Mobile
The Brief
One could call the Docquity App, the LinkedIn meets Facebook, of doctors. It’s where doctors can network, share knowledge, attend seminars & much more.
But an app cannot be all work and no play. Therefore Docquity decided to introduce a little bit of play. Literally.
A series of games on the app, but with a twist. Games that increase, in-app & web engagement. Brings more footfalls and decreases the drop rate.
We created a property and gave this entire activity a name. Presenting DocuPlay.
We started off by creating a few teaser banners and emailers to create some intrigue. Followed by announcement assets.
Launch Creative & Mailer
After creating some intrigue, we finally revealed that DocUplay is a fun activity on the app where there are games designed exclusively for doctors.
The landing page
Post the announcement, we designed a landing page that had all the information one would need to understand what are the games they can play.
There was also a small intro video that explained rules & regulations if any and how the games although fun, are also competitive and has a leaderboard section as well that will keep the healthy competition going and Doctors will keep coming back for more.
Google Facebook Ads
We created a bunch of Google/ Facebook ads to reach out to the TG & create intrigue about DocUplay.
These were game-specific assets that explained the game in a nutshell and urged the consumer to come play.